
Sunday, October 7, 2007

Triple cuteness!

These are the quickest little set of cards I've ever done! The featured stamper for today is Anna Wight ~ her coloring is amazing!! I know these don't come close to her, but I knew I'd have to do some coloring if I was going to CASE her. I also decided to go with these cute little 3x3 cards for Sharon's blog challenge. I didn't have the scalloped edges originally, but while taking care of middle ds's meal worms (yea, gross!! but they're for school work), something got on the bottom of one of the cards ~ grrrrr!! Well, it was close enough to the edge to snip off with the corner rounder, so I went with the scalloped edge look. Adds a whole other dimension of cuteness, if ya ask me!! Moral of the story: *there are no mistakes*!!! I think that's why I love this craft so much ~ it's very forgiving!! All coloring was done with my trusy SU markers.

So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Anna and Beth!!! And thanks for another great challenge, Sharon!

card info: paper ~ whisper white. ink ~ black. access. ~ markers, ribbon, punch. How much simpler could it get?? hehe!


  1. They are the cutest little cards. I love the scallop bottoms!

  2. Hey Angel! I love these little cards! So simple, yet so cute! tfs
